Looking for a game in the 2023-24 season?
(Last update: Wednesday, August 16, 2023)

This page is for NCAA Division II schools seeking games to fill schedule needs for the 2023-24 season. Please provide all necessary information -- including contacts -- via e-mail and your request will be added. Once your scheduling need has been filled, please let us know and we will remove it.

NOTE: We will begin doing updates for the 2023-24 season on Wednesday, April 5. Updates will only be done on a weekly basis on Wednesdays throughout the summer months.

ATU is looking for one more game for the 2023-24 season.  We are open to starting a series at home or on the road.  We would also be open to paying a small guarantee to an NAIA or non D2.  Please reach out to Mark Downey with any interest at mdowney@atu.edu or at 504-289-0862.  We have a few dates available.

Due to a late cancellation, the Eckerd College Thanksgiving Classic is looking for one more team. Dates are Nov. 24/25. Please contact Bryan Galuski at galuskbc@eckerd.edu for more information.

Southeastern Oklahoma University is looking for a Thanksgiving Classic.  Please call or email Kelly Green at 580-745-2458 or kgreen@se.edu

Virginia Union University is looking for 2 games this season. Call Head Coach Jay Butler at 240-832-3200 or Email at LLbutler@vuu.edu.


UWG is looking for one more game for the 2023-24 season.  Currently looking for a NAIA or Non D2 to play in the month of November.  Available dates are: November 15, 16, or 17.  Will be paying a small guarantee  Please reach out to Andy Young @ andyy@westga.edu or 678-839-3954.

or more information, please contact the Missouri S&T sports information office.

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